Best Minimalist Backpacks for Work

Best Minimalist Backpacks for Work

The word minimalist means everything and nothing these days. When it comes to your daily backpack for work and travel, that typically means clean lines; no unnecessary details or flash. Maybe the slimmest profile possible for your daily devices. Don't forget to consider interior organization. (With the help of our filters, you can have it all!) Below, our editors explain the top features to consider what shopping for a minimalist backpack. Finally, check out our top picks in the category.
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Minimalist backpack must-have

Concealed Pockets

Typically, when someone says minimalist, they mean few visible pouch pockets. They want the silhouette of the bag to be unobtrusive, not shout 'I'm ready for anything!" To that end, a backpack with inward pockets that follow the lines of the bag will help marry the needs of form and function.

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Minimalist backpack must have

Interior Organization

Uncompromising carriers may discover that a minimalist backpack can end up being minimalist inside too. Not helpful! Be sure to use the "interior organization" filter if a laptop sleeve and other pockets are important to you.

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Minimalist backpack must-have

Slim Profile

It might go without saying, but choosing the smallest size you actually need goes a long way in the name of minimalism. If you're not sure about litre sizing vs your daily items, take our quiz!

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Minimalist bonus must-have

Looped Straps

Call us purists, but what is the point of a clean lined pack if that doesn't include the straps? The brands that go to the trouble to do this know it makes you feel put together. Set it and forget it. If the tabs are flapping, it gives the impression that they'll loosen throughout the day too. Look carefully for this feature when shopping. You'll be glad you did.

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Our Top Recommended Minimalist Backpacks for Work and Travel

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